Sunday, July 14, 2019

How Self-talk Can Play A Key Role In Your Fertility

Self-talk offers women a way to stand by themselves, and develop an inner voice that is kind, compassionate, supportive, encouraging, and courageous. A free guided meditation for an inner conversation filled with the love and compassion a pregnant lady need and deserve on the fertility journey.

Here are some of the benefits of self-talk for fertility:

Balanced Hormones

Hormonal imbalance can affect important chemical signalling in the body and cause problems. But by calming the mind through self-talk influences hormone centres that can promote hormone balance. Starting a regular positive self-talk practice can help improve a hormonal working, allowing them to function properly so you can create a healthy environment for a baby to grow.

Reduced Stress

Pregnancy tests can leave you stressed, anxious and upset. Studies have shown that stress, depression and other mental problems are linked to reduced fertility in both males and females. To keep our mind away from this stress is by positive self-talk. It will help you to stay optimistic.

Be Kind To Yourself

It is really hard to for a pregnant lady to face the whole fertility journey. There are a lot physical as well as mental changes occur in her body which may make her furious. Mood swings were really hard to handle. But a pregnant woman needs to be kind with her.  It’s not you only who is going through this phase you have to tell yourself that it okay to feel these changes. During your fertility journey try to keep yourself happy because your mood affects the hormonal functions which can also cause problems to your baby.

Take a moment to have an imperative and loving conversation with yourself. To let yourself know you are not to hold responsible, that this is just the way things are right now. To know more about positive self-talk for fertility you can contact us at

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